How to make a simple line following robot using Arduino uno
Line following robot In this tutorial I am gonna show you how to make a simple line following robot using IR sensors and ARDUINO UNO.I will be providing very easy and effective code that will help you to solve maze containing 90°,45° angles and curves.So les get started. Components required: 1.Arduino uno board 2.L293D motor driver IC 3.IR sensors(here i am using 5 sensors for the perfection of the robot) 4.Chassis 5.BO motors(two) 6.Castro wheel(one) 7.Batteries 8.Power bank(to power the ARDUINO) Steps to be followed: Step-1 Assemble BO motors and Castro wheel on the chassis as shown in the figure. Note: This is an example,my real robot have hand made chassis but the process is same. Step-2 Now place the battery and the Arduino uno board on the top of the chassis as shown.Connect the two batteries in series to get 8V out put. Step-3 Connect th...